Mangal dosh is an astrological combination that occurs if Mars (Mangal) is present in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a person’s horoscope. It is a common dosh found in a horoscope (kundli). It is also known as Kuja dosh, Bhom dosh or Angarakha dosh. It is considered detrimental to conjugal happiness and there is a general belief that the marriage of a manglik with a non-manglik will cause disastrous results. But there are certain remedies that can help you get rid of the ill-effects of this dosh.
What are the characteristics of Mangal Dosh?
Both men and women can be Manglik due to the odd astrological combination in their Kundli.
Mangal dosh affects mental state, financial state and most commonly marital life of the native.
The marriage of two Mangliks can nullify the negative effect of Mangal dosh.
As planet Mars represents fire, energy, respect and self-esteem, the person with Mangal dosh has a high temperament.
Effects of Mangal in different houses of the horoscope:
Ist House:
When the Mangal is present in the 1st house of your Kundli, it affects your health and personality. It makes a person aggressive and rash. Due to this, you suffer from distress and mental tension.
2nd House:
When the Mangal is present in the 2nd house, it creates a lot of obstacles in your life. It affects your job, business and personal life. It causes a rift in the family and may cause separation between husband and wife.
4th House:
When the Mangal is present in the 4th house, it causes adverse effects in your professional life. The person may switch jobs very frequently or face losses in business. There are also chances of a loss due to theft.
7th House:
When the Mangal is present in the 7th house, the person will be short-tempered and have a dominating nature. Due to this, the person finds it difficult to maintain cordial relations with his/her spouse. Being the house of marriage, Mangal in 7th house is considered extremely harmful and it can cause separation or divorce.
8th House:
When the Mangal is present in the 8th house, it causes marital discord and issues with longevity of the spouse. Such a person may also lose paternal property.
12th House:
When Mangal is present in the 12th house, you will face financial trouble and mental problems. There may be uncontrolled expenses which can lead to financial debt.
If you are struggling due to this dosh, we strongly recommend you perform Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja. Yagni is the best online platform to book a qualified Vedic priest to perform Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja at the famed Mangal Nath Mandir in Ujjain. Only the best pandits who have in-depth knowledge of Hindu Shastras and Vedic rituals will perform the puja for you. You may choose to attend the Puja personally or get an e-Puja done. For an e-Puja, our pandit ji will do the entire puja on your behalf and you will be able to take Sankalp on phone.
We also provide free astrological consultation through phone. For more information, visit or contact us at +91-2248972082.
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