is formed when either Rahu or Ketu is sitting with Jupiter in the
same house. Chandal dosh is also known as Guru
Chandal Dosh
because Jupiter is known as ‘Guru’. The person who suffers from
this dosh finds it difficult to have clarity in thought, loses
concentration and takes hasty and incorrect decisions. The person
deviates from what is considered moral, right or proper and often
indulges in immoral acts or unethical behavior. The good or bad
results will depend on whether Jupiter is benefic / malefic in the
birth chart.
of Guru Chandal Dosh
Chandal Dosh will give results based on the house in which this yoga
are some of the ill-effects of Guru Chandal Dosh -
The person will have difficulty in completing or exceling in education.
The person loses concentration and decision-making power.
Causes insecurity in career and the person loses job at short intervals.
This makes an individual inclined to indulge in socially and morally unethical activities.
The person may fall in bad company and even go to jail.
There may be obstructions in auspicious matters.
The person will experience problems in acquiring and retaining wealth.
High risks of accidents or injuries
Chandal Dosh Remedies
below are some of the powerful remedies for negating the bad effects
of Chandal Dosh -
One should worship Lord Vishnu to alleviate the negative influence of the Guru Chandal Dosh.
Wearing Yellow Sapphire gemstone with gold.
Respecting your parents, teachers and elders will give strength to Jupiter which will be helpful in reducing negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosh.
Donating yellow items like clothes, yellow sweets, turmeric etc. to Vedic priests or teachers can help in neutralizing the negative influence of this dosh.
Give donations to needy people.
The person should chant Brihaspati mantra regularly.
Getting a Chandal Yog Shanti Puja done by an experienced pandit.
Yog Shanti Puja is one of the most effective remedies to pacify or
lessen the effects of Chandal dosh. Those who are suffering from the
ill-effects of Chandal Yog should get a Shanti puja performed to
appease the planets and lead a better life. This puja helps enhance
the good effects and eradicates the bad effects caused by this yog.
is the most reliable online portal to book your pandit online for the
puja. Only the best pandits who have in-depth knowledge of Hindu
Shastras and Vedic rituals will perform the puja for you. You may
choose to attend the Puja personally or get an e-Puja done. For an
e-Puja, our pandit ji will do the entire puja on your behalf and you
will be able to take Sankalp on phone.
can also get your horoscope analyzed by our experts to check for the presence of Guru
Chandal Dosh.
know more details, visit
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