Thursday, January 30, 2020

Pitru Dosh: Common Effects and Nivaran Puja

Do you know what Pitru dosh means? And how it has a great impact on your life? Pitru dosh is one of the most feared doshas in horoscope. Pitru dosh is formed when one’s ancestors/forefathers do not gain salvation due to a lack of religious rituals at the time of their death. Pitru dosh in your horoscope may cause a lot of suffering and the person wrestles with problems in all spheres of life. It is therefore advisable to rectify this dosh as soon as possible by performing Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja.

What Are the Common Effects of Pitru Dosh?
Pitru dosh can lead to several problems, a few are listed below -
  • There will be a lot of fights, arguments, and lack of harmony in the family.
  • Your family will struggle due to regular financial issues and heavy debts.
  • There maybe problems in getting married or marital discord post marriage.
  • One may have difficulty conceiving or there are frequent miscarriages.
  • Premature death of a child or birth of a retarded child.
  • The education of your children may get affected or they won't get the desired results despite hard work.
  • You may lose your social standing.
  • Children may fall sick often.
  • Recurrent loss of job and obstruction in professional growth.

When Should Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja Be Performed?
According to the Hindu scriptures, Pitru paksha in the month of Ashwin is the best time to perform Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja. This puja can also be performed on any Amavasya or Ashtami. This puja will help you to remove the malefic effects of Pitru dosh.

How Is Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja Performed?
The process of performing Pitru Dosh puja might differ from place to place but usually involves taking Sankalp, chanting dosh nivaran mantras, Vishnu pujan and rituals like Tarpan, Pind daan and Narayan Bali.

Where to Perform Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja?
Ujjain is accepted to be one of the best places for Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja. Situated on the banks of Shipra river it is described as the ideal place to get rid of the three debts – debt to god, debt to ancestors and debt to sages. You can use Yagni to book an experienced pandit to perform this puja for you in Ujjain.

Yagni is the most reliable online portal to book your pandit online for the puja. Only the best pandits who have in-depth knowledge of Hindu Shastras and Vedic rituals will perform the puja for you. You may choose to attend the Puja personally or get an e-Puja done. For an e-Puja, our pandit ji will do the entire puja on your behalf and you will be able to take Sankalp on phone.
You can also get your horoscope analyzed by our experts to check for the presence of Pitru Dosh.

To know more details, visit

Monday, January 27, 2020

What Vedic Astrology Says about Different Doshas in Your Horoscope?

According to Vedic Astrology, Doshas are flaws in the placements of planets in the twelve houses of the horoscope that cause adverse circumstances in one’s life. As per the Vedic astrology, certain planets positioned in certain houses can tarnish or malign the positive effects of other planets and bring hardships on the person. ‘Yoga’ and ‘Dosha’ are determined by the positioning of planets in one’s horoscope. These planets may bring in good or bad impact which is how Yogas and Doshas are said to be formed.
Some of these doshas are:
  • Mangal Dosh: Mangal Dosh occurs when Mars planet is present in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of your Kundli. It is a common belief that if a Manglik person marries a non-Manglik person, the couple faces a lot of problems in their marital life and even suffer sudden death of the partner.
  • Kaal Sarp Dosh: Vedic astrology has mentioned Kaal Sarp dosh as the most nefarious condition in the Kundli of any person. Kaal Sarp Dosh happens when all the planets remain within the arch of Rahu and Ketu. This dosh causes a lot of obstacles and misfortunes in one's life. There are 12 different types of Kaal Sarp Doshas which include, but are not limited to, Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh, Padma Kaal Sarp Dosh, Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosh, Sheshnaag Kaal Sarp Dosh and Takshak Kaal Sarp Dosh.
  • Pitru Dosh: As per popular belief, when your ancestors have not attained peace due to lack of religious rituals at the time of their death, you may suffer from Pitru dosh. Pitru dosh occurs due to the wrong position of Rahu and Saturn. If Sun/Moon, Rahu and Saturn are in same house, then Pitru dosh is formed. Due to this dosh, overall growth of a person gets hampered despite his/her sincere efforts.
  • Chandal Dosh: Chandal Dosh comes into one’s life if Jupiter (also known as guru) comes in conjugation with either Rahu or Ketu in your horoscope. This combination adversely affects the person and will result in financial problems and losses, loss of character, creativity and health.
Can these doshas be overcome or redressed?
Different doshas can remain in your horoscope for short as well as long periods. These doshas can cause all sorts of problems like health issues, mental unrest, marital discord and failure in life. These doshas can be pacified and their ill-effects nullified by performing Dosh Nivaran Pujas. So, if there is such a condition present in your horoscope, then consult an experienced astrologer to get detailed analysis done and perform remedial measures to get rid of it.
About Yagni: Yagni is the best online platform to book a qualified pandit ji in Ujjain for Kaal Sarp Dosh pujaPitru Dosh PujaMangal Dosh puja and many such remedial pujas. Only the best pandits will perform these Dosh Nivaran pujas for you according to the Vedic puja rituals and help you get rid of malefic effects of these doshas. You can also contact our horoscope experts who will provide you proper guidance.
To know more details, visit

Chandal Dosh: Effects and Remedies

Chandal Dosh is formed when either Rahu or Ketu is sitting with Jupiter in the same house. Chandal dosh is also known as Guru Chandal Dosh because Jupiter is known as ‘Guru’. The person who suffers from this dosh finds it difficult to have clarity in thought, loses concentration and takes hasty and incorrect decisions. The person deviates from what is considered moral, right or proper and often indulges in immoral acts or unethical behavior. The good or bad results will depend on whether Jupiter is benefic / malefic in the birth chart.

Effects of Guru Chandal Dosh
Guru Chandal Dosh will give results based on the house in which this yoga occurs.
Following are some of the ill-effects of Guru Chandal Dosh -
  • The person will have difficulty in completing or exceling in education.
  • The person loses concentration and decision-making power.
  • Causes insecurity in career and the person loses job at short intervals.
  • This makes an individual inclined to indulge in socially and morally unethical activities.
  • The person may fall in bad company and even go to jail.
  • There may be obstructions in auspicious matters.
  • The person will experience problems in acquiring and retaining wealth.
  • High risks of accidents or injuries

Guru Chandal Dosh Remedies
Given below are some of the powerful remedies for negating the bad effects of Chandal Dosh -
  • One should worship Lord Vishnu to alleviate the negative influence of the Guru Chandal Dosh.
  • Wearing Yellow Sapphire gemstone with gold.
  • Respecting your parents, teachers and elders will give strength to Jupiter which will be helpful in reducing negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosh.
  • Donating yellow items like clothes, yellow sweets, turmeric etc. to Vedic priests or teachers can help in neutralizing the negative influence of this dosh.
  • Give donations to needy people.
  • One should feed crows and dogs.
  • The person should chant Brihaspati mantra regularly.
  • Getting a Chandal Yog Shanti Puja done by an experienced pandit.

Chandal Yog Shanti Puja is one of the most effective remedies to pacify or lessen the effects of Chandal dosh. Those who are suffering from the ill-effects of Chandal Yog should get a Shanti puja performed to appease the planets and lead a better life. This puja helps enhance the good effects and eradicates the bad effects caused by this yog.

Yagni is the most reliable online portal to book your pandit online for the puja. Only the best pandits who have in-depth knowledge of Hindu Shastras and Vedic rituals will perform the puja for you. You may choose to attend the Puja personally or get an e-Puja done. For an e-Puja, our pandit ji will do the entire puja on your behalf and you will be able to take Sankalp on phone.
You can also get your horoscope analyzed by our experts to check for the presence of Guru Chandal Dosh.

To know more details, visit

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When Kaal Sarp Dosh Becomes More Dangerous?

Kaal Sarp dosh is one of the most malefic astrological combinations of grahas (planets) in a horoscope. Kaal Sarp dosh can have an inauspicious effect over property, finances and health.
A person is said to have Kaal Sarp Dosh in the Kundli when all the 7 planets in the horoscope are present on one side between Rahu and Ketu.

There are 12 kinds of Kaal Sarp doshas based on position of Rahu and Ketu in the
  1. Takshak Kaal Sarp Dosh
  2. Mahapadma Kaal Sarp Dosh
  3. Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh
  4. Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh
  5. Kulik Kaal Sarp Dosh
  6. Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh
  7. Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Dosh
  8. Padma Kaal Sarp Dosh
  9. Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosh
  10. Shankhchood Kaal Sarp Dosh
  11. Karkotak Kaal Sarp Dosh
  12. Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh

Additionally, based on direction two categories of Kaal Sarp dosh - Ascending and Descending. If Rahu is facing all the planets it is known as ascending Kaal Sarp dosh and if Rahu has its back to all the planets, then it is known as descending Kaal Sarp dosh.

If Sun or Moon is present with Rahu or Ketu, then this dosh becomes more powerful. When Rahu, Sun and Moon are all located together, Grahan Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed in the kundli which is even more dangerous and lethal. It is strongly advised for such a person to organize remedial Kaal Sarp Dosh puja as soon as possible to nullify the negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh.
The person with Kaal Sarp Dosh may suffer from financial loss or loss of prestige. The native also struggles with mental disturbances, delayed marriage, different fears and bad dreams. It can even lead to sudden death.

So, if your astrologer has identified Kaal Sarp Dosh in your kundli or horoscope, then it is advised to opt for Kaal Sarp Nivaran Dosh puja. Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain is the most popular place for performing Kaal Sarp dosh nivaran puja to achieve the best results. Yagni is the most reliable online platform to book your pandit to perform the Kaal Sarp puja according to Vedic rituals and Hindu Shastras. You can also opt for ePuja if you are unable to attend the puja in person. The prasad will be sent at your registered address after the puja.

To know more details, you can visit

मंगल दोष के प्रभाव एवं निवारण

कुंडली में कई प्रकार के दोष बताए जाते हैं, इन्हीं दोषों में से एक है मांगलिक दोष। यह दोष जिस व्यक्ति की कुंडली में होता है वह मांगलिक कहलाता है। मांगलिक लोगों पर मंगल ग्रह का विशेष प्रभाव होता है। ज्योतिष के अनुसार मंगल दोष वैवाहिक सुख के लिए हानिकारक माना जाता है।

मंगल दोष क्या होता है?

जब किसी व्यक्ति की जन्म कुंडली के 1, 4, 7, 8, 12वें स्थान या भाव में मंगल स्थित हो तो वह व्यक्ति मांगलिक कहलाता है। कहा जाता है कि मांगलिक दोष दूर किए बिना विवाह किए जाने पर अलगाव या तलाक हो जाता है। इसके अलावा अन्य समस्याएं भी पैदा हो सकती हैं।

कई लोगों को अपने मांगलिक होने के बारे में पता भी नहीं होता जिसके कारण उनको जीवन में अनेक कठिनाईयों का सामना करना पड़ता है। भविष्य में आने वाली समस्याओ से बचने के लिए मंगल दोष की जाँच किसी अच्छे विशेषज्ञ से करा लेनी चाहिए व मांगलिक की शादी मांगलिक से ही करनी चाहिए।

मंगल दोष के प्रभाव
  • विवाह में देरी होना।
  • विवाह तय होने के बाद टूट जाना या विवाह में किसी प्रकार का विघ्‍न आना।
  • शादी के बाद पति-पत्नी में तनाव की स्थिति बनी रहेगी।
  • वैवाहिक जीवन में काफी परेशानियां रहेंगी।
  • मांगलिक दोष के प्रभाव से व्यक्ति क्रोधी और अहंकारी बन जाता है।
मंगल दोष निवारण के उपाय
  • सबसे सरल उपाय है हनुमान चालीसा का नियमित पाठ करना।
  • उपवास - मंगलवार को उपवास रखना भी मंगल दोष को दूर करने का उपाय माना जाता है।
  • महामृत्युंजय का पाठ करें।
  • अंगूठी - दाएं हाथ की उंगली में लाल मूंगा के साथ सोने की अंगूठी पहनने से दोष कम होता है।
  • अश्वत्थ विवाह (पीपल पेड़ से विवाह) - अश्वत्थ विवाह अर्थात पीपल या बरगद के वृक्ष से विवाह कराकर, विवाह के पश्चात उस वृक्ष को कटवा दे।
  • कुंभ विवाह - कन्या के मंगल दोष होने पर उसका विवाह भगवान विष्णु के साथ कराया जाता है। इस कुंभ या कलश में विष्णु स्थापित होते हैं।
  • मंदिरों में पूजा करना - नवग्रह मंदिरों में पूजा करने से भी मंगल दोष कम होता है। देश में ऐसे बहुत कम मंदिर हैं जो मंगल देव के नाम पर हैं। उज्जैन में सिथत मंगलनाथ मंदिर ऐसा ही एक लोकप्रिय मंदिर है। इस मंदिर में मंगल दोष निवारण पूजा करवाना मंगल दोष को दूर करने के लिए प्रभावी माना जाता है।

पुराणों में उज्जैन नगरी को मंगल की जननी कहा गया है। उज्जैन में सिथत मंगलनाथ का मंदिर का विशेष महत्व है। पूरे भारत से लोग यहां आकर मंगल देव की अराधना करते हैं। जिसकी कुंडली में मंगल दोष हो, वह अगर मंगलनाथ मंदिर में पूजा करवाए तो मंगल दोष से शीघ्र ही छुटकारा मिल जाता है। इस पूजा से मंगल ग्रह को प्रसन्न किया जाता है तथा उसके विनाशकारी प्रभावों को नियंत्रित किया जाता है।


उज्जैन में मंगल दोष निवारण पूजा के लिए पंडित बुक कराने हेतु सबसे अच्छी वेबसाइट Yagni है। वैदिक ज्ञान में प्रवीण एवं हिंदू शास्त्र में वर्णित अनुष्ठान प्रक्रिया में निपुण पंडित ही आपके लिए पूजा करेंगे। मांगलिक दोष से सम्बंधित किसी भी जानकारी के लिए आप हमे संपर्क कर सकते हैं।

अधिक जानकारी के लिए पर जाएं।

Monday, January 20, 2020

Significance of Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja

Are you aware of the characteristics and ill-effects of Mangal dosh? Ever wondered how Mangal dosh can cause obstacles or delay in marriages? To get answers to these questions, you need to understand what exactly Mangal dosh means. As per Hindu Astrology, Mangal dosh (which is also known as Manglik dosh or Kuja dosh) is an astrological combination that occurs when Mangal (Mars) is present in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the horoscope or birth chart. The actual formation of Mangal dosh however requires additional conditions to be met in a horoscope.

As Mangal (mars) is considered a hostile planet, Mangal dosh in your kundli can enhance the malefic effects of planet Mars and cause obstacles and delays in one’s marriage and career.
Ill-effects of Mangal dosh include:
  • Unnecessary arguments and fights with your spouse.
  • The person does not get success in his professional life.
  • The person may become short tempered and impulsive
  • The person suffers from physical as well as mental problems
  • People may experience financial loss

What Is the Significance of Mangal Dosh Puja?
Performing Mangal Dosh Nivaran puja helps to nullify the ill-effects of Mangal dosh from your kundli and has numerous positive outcomes. This puja helps eradicate health issues, problems in understanding with the partner, delayed marriage and helps you lead a blissful married life.
  • Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja minimizes the effects of Mangal dosh.
  • It brings stability in your personal as well as professional life.
  • It protects you from various mental and physical ailments.
  • You can experience love and peace in your marital life.
  • The puja will remove all the obstacles from your path
  • It helps you get higher position in service

How To Perform Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja?
Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja is performed at various temples across India. One of the most famous temples for this puja is the Mangal Nath Temple at Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. Tuesday is considered as the most auspicious day to perform Mangal dosh puja. One should ensure all the procedures are performed in desired manner to get maximum benefit from the Puja. You can find the best and most qualified pandits for this puja through a portal named Yagni. When you book your pandit ji through this portal, you can be assured that the puja is going to be performed only by experienced and qualified Brahmins who possess in-depth knowledge of Hindu Shastra and Vedic rituals.

About Yagni:
Yagni is the most trusted portal for finding experienced pandits to perform Mangal Dosh Nivaran puja in Ujjain. You can also opt for e-puja if you are unable to be present during the puja. Once the e-puja rituals are completed, we will send prasad to your address.

To know more details, you can visit

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

10 Powerful And Proven Ways To Avoid Angarak Dosh

Angarak Dosh is one of the most malefic doshas in Kundli. Angarak Yoga is formed when Mars (Mangal) is conjunct in the same house with Rahu. As per Hindu astrology, formation of Angarak yoga in a kundli can give various kinds of good or bad results depending on the nature, strength and placement of Mars and Rahu. When Rahu and mars are placed in malefic positions, it results in Angarak Dosh.

Angarak (Sanskrit name of Mars) denotes fire and hence the person having Angarak dosh suffers from aggression. Due to Angarak dosh, the happiness and prosperity in life get disturbed and the native may become very aggressive.
Here are some of the negative effects of Angarak Dosh:
  • A person gets angry even at the smallest things and are quite stubborn too.
  • It negatively impacts all aspects of life such as education, job, business, marriage etc. and the native will face many ups and downs
  • It causes regular disputes and disharmony in the family.
  • The native experiences a lot of trouble in property related matters.
  • The native will suffer health problems related to children.
10 Powerful and Proven Ways To Avoid Angarak Dosh:
  1. The native should fast on every Tuesday to avoid the effects of Angarak dosh or perform Angarak Dosh Nivaran Puja.
  2. Worshipping Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganesha is also a very powerful way to reduce the malefic effects of Angarak Dosh.
  3. The native should organize Satsangs and pray peacefully.
  4. The native should feed stray dogs.
  5. The native should do meditation and stay away from conflicts.
  6. The native should donate food and clothes.
  7. Wearing a threefold ring made up of gold, silver or copper on Tuesdays.
  8. The native should also keep a vessel full of water near pillow while sleeping.
  9. The native should light a diya at his house every evening.
  10. The native should give respect to his elders especially his mother.
Some astrologers say that the presence of Angarak dosh in the kundli can create criminal tendencies in person. If the influence of this dosh is strong, the person is likely to get involved in criminal activities, even leading them to go to jail for a long period.

Performing Angarak Dosh Nivaran puja is the ideal means to nullify the negative effects of this dosh. Getting a puja done at the Angareshwar Mahadev Temple in Ujjain is considered very beneficial. You can use Yagni to book an experienced pandit ji for performing this remedial puja.

To know more details, you can visit

Friday, January 10, 2020

What Are The Common Indicators Of Pitru Dosh?

In Sanskrit, Pitru means father. Pitru dosh has been considered as the most feared dosh in any birth chart or horoscope. You might be thinking what is Pitru dosh? How can the effect of Pitru dosh be reduced? As per Vedic astrology, if the Sun is afflicted by a malefic planet Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope. The worst kind of Pitra Dosh is formed by the affliction of Rahu and Ketu to the Sun, where Sun and Rahu are placed in the same house and such conditions can even prove fatal for the native. The affliction to the Sun by malefic Saturn also forms a serious Pitra Dosh and similarly any malefic planet afflicting the Sun forms Pitra Dosh which can cause trouble for the native in different ways. Rahu in 9th House and especially in the Ascendent also gives rise to Pitru Dosh. If Moon is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn then too Pitru Dosh is formed in your horoscope.

Following are some common signs that indicate the existence of Pitru dosh:
  • Crows: When you notice crows coming to your balcony or terrace daily cawing for food.
  • Dreams:You often dream that your deceased relatives or ancestors are communicating with you.
  • Premature Greying of Hair: You notice premature greying at an early age and during the same time you experience loss of your status and wealth.
  • Food Donation: When you often dream of donating food to the elderly or unknown people at some holy place. You may also see offering food to your deceased relatives.
  • Family Disputes: If you are experiencing a lot of confrontations and disagreements in your family, it might be an impact of Pitru dosh.
  • Marital Issues: If you are struggling due to a turbulent married life, separation or divorce, then it may be the effect of Pitru dosh. Sometimes, you experience trouble finding a suitable match for your marriage.
  • Issues Related To Children: There are problems in conceiving a child or repeated miscarriages. Or the children fall ill repeatedly or die before reaching the age of 5.
  • Obstacles in Career: When you don't get promotion or recognition for your hard work in your professional life.
  • Disruptive Behavior of Children: When your child is disobedient, stubborn and always denies agreeing with you.
Pitru dosh can cause various hardships and thus Pitru Dosh Nivaran puja is recommended. You can use a reliable portal such as to find the best and qualified pandit ji who can perform the Pitru dosh nivaran puja for you. Besides this, you can also use ePuja feature of Yagni if you are unable to attend your puja in due to any reasons.

For more details, you can visit

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Types of Kaal Sarp Dosh: Ill effects and Remedy

You might have heard about Kaal Sarp dosh and its ill effects, but do you know about the different types of Kaal Sarp doshas? The Kaal Sarp Dosh happens when all the 7 planets - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are placed on one side of the natal chart between Rahu and Ketu. According to Hindu mythology, the presence of Kaal Sarp dosh in your horoscope (Kundli) is considered viciously inauspicious. The person having this dosh in his horoscope may experience misfortunes and lifelong battle.

There are 12 kinds of Kaal Sarp doshas based on position of Rahu and Ketu in the Kundli:
  • Anant Kal Sarpa Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 1st house and Ketu is in the 7th house. The person who is influenced by this dosh suffers from bad marital life and mental problems. A person having Anant Kaal Sarp dosh will be the victim of betrayal and conspiracies in his life. In some cases, it has been seen that the person loses out in legal matters.
  • Kulik Kalasarpa Yoga: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 8th house. The person who is influenced by this dosh suffers from financial losses, bad reputation and poor health.
  • Vasuki Kalasarpa Yoga: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 3rd house and Ketu is in the 9th house. The person who is influenced by this dosh has to struggle a lot in his life and face problems in his professional life. The person may also suffer from untimely death and losses due to relatives.
  • Shankpal Kal Sarpa Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is placed in the 4th house and Ketu is in the 10th. The person may face economic problems and mental stress due to the influence of this dosh. He might face difficulties in matters concerned with his mother, relatives and land.
  • Padam Kal Sarpa Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is placed in the 5th house and Ketu is in the 11th house. Due to the influence of this dosh, the person may face difficulties in child bearing, higher education and in making economic progress. This type of Kaal Sarp dosh gives problems to natives in married life and love life.
  • Mahapadam Kal Sarpa Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu in the 6th house and Ketu in the 12th house. The person may face prolonged physical ailments. The native may face also difficulties because of his maternal uncle.
  • Takshak Kal Sarpa Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 7th house and Ketu is in the 1st house. The person faces difficulties in married life and health problems. The native has speculative tendencies and can lose wealth by way of women and gambling. In some cases, the native may indulge in extramarital affairs and this may lead to loss of fame.
  • Karkotak Kal Sarpa Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 8th house and Ketu is in the 2nd house. The negative impact of this dosh is that the person will be short-tempered and may establish friendship with anti-social elements. The person may also suffer loss of ancestral property.
  • Shankachood Kal Sarpa Dosh: This dosh happens when 9th house is occupied by Rahu and 3rd house is occupied by Ketu. The person afflicted by this dosh will face many ups and downs in his life. The native also suffers from anti-religious tendencies.
  • Ghatak Kaal Sarp Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 10th house and Ketu in the 4th house. This dosh raises conflicts in the family and makes the individual wicked and dissatisfied with his job. This dosh may also result in problems related to litigation and land the person in jail.
  • Vishdhar Kaal Sarp Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 11th house and Ketu is in the 5th house. The native faces difficulties related to children and his respect and honor in society may decline. The native has to travel frequently and is never fixed at a place.
  • Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh: This dosh happens when Rahu is in the 12th house and Ketu is in 6th house. Due to this dosh, the person may have many enemies who may not show their real side but conspire behind his back. He may also unnecessarily get involved in legal hassles.

If you are also facing any misfortune in your life due to the dreaded Kaal Sarp Dosh in your Kundli, Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja is the most effective way to nullify the negative effect of this dosh. Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain is an ideal place for performing Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivarana puja. is the best portal to find the best and qualified pandit for Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran puja in Ujjain.
To know more details, visit

Friday, January 3, 2020

Know More About Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja

There are many misunderstandings and misconceptions related to the pujas which are performed for avoiding the effects of various defects (dosh) in a horoscope.
And this is the reason many people are usually not able to figure out the proper way or process to mitigate the ill effects of defects in their horoscope or birth chart.
As per Hindi astrology, a person born under the influence of Mars (Mangal) has the Mangal Dosh. When Mars (Mangal) is in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a horoscope (kundli) at the time of birth, the person is said to have Mangal Dosh.
Mangal Dosh can cause various problems like -
  • Delay or problems in marriage.
  • Health related problems like hypertension (high blood pressure), anorexia
  • Issues like short temper, anxiety and depression
  • Obstacles in personal and professional life
There are certain easy remedies to minimize the negative effects of Mangal Dosh so that you can lead a peaceful and harmonious life. If you are suffering from the ill effects of Mangal Dosh, then you should follow the remedies given below:
  • Worshipping Mangal Deva: Worshiping Lord Mangal and chanting Mangal Mantra every Tuesday is considered very effective.
  • Fasting: Observe fasting on Tuesday to nullify the effect of Mangal. During this fast a person is only allowed to eat toor dal.
  • Wear Red Coral: Wearing Red coral can also help you reduce the effects of Mangal Dosh and enhance your courage, will power and confidence.
According to astrologers, the person having Mangal dosh in his kundli may face serious problems related to health, wealth and prosperity. However, the most common problem due to this dosh is related to marriage. To rectify this dosh a proper Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja is highly recommended.
There are certain rituals involved in Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja such as Shanti Paath, Ganesh Gauri Pujan and Grah Shanti Havan. The puja may also involve Navgrah pujan, Punya Vaachan, Mangal Jaap, Panchamrat Abhishek of Angareshwar, Rudra Kalash Pujan and Bhat Shringar.
So, if struggling due to this dosh then you should opt for Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja. And is the best portal to find a well experienced and qualified pandit for performing Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja at the well-known Managalnath Mandir in Ujjain.
About Yagni:

Yagni is the best portal for finding highly qualified pandits to perform Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain. The pujas are performed exactly according to the guidelines prescribed by Hindu Shastras so that you get the maximum benefit from it. You may also choose to attend the Puja personally or have an online e-puja done.

To know more details, visit